248 Yini Ngabathathekile
Yini ngabathathekile? Pambili beqhubekela
Bahlangana nsuku zonke Benyakaza bethandaza
Ngamazwi kuya menyezwa; Nangu uJesu edlula Bo!
Ngamazwi kuya menyezwa; Nangu uJesu edlula Bo!
Nguban’ uJesu? Ngani na? Kangak’ anyakazis’ umzi?
‘Sihambel’ esinamandla Ukwenz’ intando ngeningi
Ngamazwi kuya menyezwa Nangu uJesu edlula Bo!
Ngamazwi kuya menyezwa Nangu uJesu edlula Bo!
Jesu! NguYe okukanye Wezw’ ubuhlungu ngabantu
Wathwal’ in’thwalo yabanye Wakhulula nezithulu
Kwethab’ impumputhe zizwa Nangu uJesu edlula Bo!
Ngamazwi kuya menyezwa Nangu uJesu edlula Bo!
Namhla indawo ngendawo Sihamb’ enyaweni zAkhe
NaY’ ukwe yeth’ im’nyango Uyangena azithobe
Pho! Singe memeze sithi Nangu uJesu edlula Bo!
Pho! Singe memeze sithi Nangu uJesu edlula Bo!
Ehhe sondelani nonke Nixolelwe naphunyuzwa
KuY’ uBaba nidelile Buyani namkele umsa
Zimpofana nans’inqaba Nangu uJesu edlula Bo!
Nin’ enilingwayo, Nangu! Nangu uJesu edlula Bo!
Kodwa uma niMenqaba Ninyundel’ uthando lwAkhe
Ek’pheleni wonishiya En’del’ izwi lAkhe manje
Nephuzile! Manidele! Ujesu udludile manje
Nephuzile! Manidele! Ujesu udludile manje
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For the full Christ in song hymnal visit Christinsong.com
For the SDA Hymnal visit https://sdahymnal.net/
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