Home Ukrestu esihlabelelweni Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 294 | Yembesa Ngo Kuphila kwAkhe

Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 294 | Yembesa Ngo Kuphila kwAkhe

Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 294 | Yembesa Ngo Kuphila kwAkhe
Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 294 | Yembesa Ngo Kuphila kwAkhe

294 Yembesa Ngo Kuphila kwAkhe

Bheka kuJesu kana sono, Baba ngiph’ ukuphila kwAkhe;
Impilo yam’ igcwel’ isono, Ngembes’ impilo yakw’ emhlophe.

Ngembes’ impilo yakw’ emhlophe, Ngomazi Yena ngokugcwele;
Ipmilo yam’ igcwel’ isono, Ngembes’ impilo yakw’ emhlophe.

Made amanxeba esono, Ngiyesab’ amabal’ abomvu; Jesu, ngembes’ impilo yAkho, Ngize ngisind’ ekwahluleni.

Ngikhalel’ ukuthethelelwa, Jesu, ngibon’ ‘ingub’ emhlophe; Ngi ph’eyakho ngi lahla lena, Ngojabula ngihamba naWe.

Ngi buyiswa ngokufa kwakho, Ngenziwe nguYe ngaba mhlophe; Ngi hlanjululwe yizwi lAkhe, Ngi khany’ekubuyeni kwAkhe.

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