191 Isithembiso Esiqinileyo
Ngeqinis’ uJesu ngowami, Yeka ubumnandi baphezulu
Manje ngi y’indlalifa nami; Egezw’ egazini leWundlu.
Ngi yathokoza ngalengoma; Ngi yadumisa uMsindisi,
Kim’ u ligugu yonk’ imihla Ngi dumis’ owam’ uMsindisi.
Ku phelele ukuthokoza, Ngi yabona okuthabisayo,
Ingelosi zi ngi lethela, Ukunyenyezake kothando.
Konke kimi ukuphumula, Ngi kuMsindisi ngi yathokoza:
Ngi mi ngi bheke phezulu le! Ngi gcwele okwAkh’ ukulunga.
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For the full Christ in song hymnal visit Christinsong.com
For the SDA Hymnal visit https://sdahymnal.net/
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