157 Isikathi Sokuvuna
Lowo ohamba ekhaya
Efaza inhlwanyelo
Angalali, enothando
U yothola umusa
Qaphelake wena mlimi!, Amabel’ a semahle
Ku sondela ukuvama, Amasim’ a vuthiwe
A yehliswa amazolo
Li khanyiswe nelanga
Izithelo si zophiwa
Ngamandla aphezulu
Wen’ u ngethuki wesabe
Hlwanyela u ngadinwa
Nanxa ku nzima qinisa
U zobutha ngesihle
Uma ubusiswe yile webhusayithi. Sicela ucabangele ukunikela / If you were blessed by this website. Consider donating to keep it running for your next visit and other visitors.
For the full Christ in song hymnal visit Christinsong.com
For the SDA Hymnal visit https://sdahymnal.net/
Amagama amnandi https://positivewordsdictionary.com/