190 Ibizo Eliyigugu
Thath’ ibizo lika Jesu, We mntwana, wezinhlungu,
Yebo li yathokozisa, Ngako Yamkela lona
Ibizo, O, luhle!
Gugu lasezulwini
Ibizo, O, lihle!
Injabul’ emhlabeni
Thath’ ibizo lika Jesu, Li yasithokozisa,
Nxa u hanqwa izilingo Themba ku lelibizo
O, ibizo lika Jesu! Li yasithokozisa,
Nxa esesamkela thina Si mhlabelele Yena
Si guqa ngebizo lAkhe, Si we phambili kwAkhe,
Ey’ iNkosi enomqhele, S’omdumisa phakade
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