Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 183 | Bambelela Ngize Ngi Buye

Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 183 | Bambelela Ngize Ngi Buye
Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 183 | Bambelela Ngize Ngi Buye

183 Bambelela Ngize Ngi Buye

Sihl’ is’thembiso, kwabakholwayo,
Masinya ngi yeza ngithath’ abAmi,
Bamba ngi yeza, yinkul’ ingozi;
U ngalali njengabanye, lindela!

CHORUSBamba ngi yeza, sihl’ isithembiso,
Umbus’ u buyile, Wowunikwa,
Woz’ u jabule, hlal’ embusweni,
Im’qhel’ i lindile, bamba ngi yeza.

Solindela zi vuth’ izibani;
Kwabany’ u fika njengesel’ eb’suku,
U sesondele, a saz’ usuku
Njengokuhluma, ku khomba ihlobo.

Ithemba lethu la khel’ ezwini,
Ukuqhamuka okuhle kweNkosi,
Kwedlula zonke izithembiso:
Bamba ngi yeza, qina ngize ng’fike.

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