299 Zename Njalo
Zename njal’ iz’nhliziyo, Kunga ngen’ ukusola
Lok’ uyasinak’ uBaba Es’thanda enomusa
Mazename njalo njalo, Sizungezwe kukhanya
Inobuhl’ indlela yemfanelo Sename njalo njalo
Siholwa isandla sAkhe, Isono asilutho
Uthembis’ ukusisiza Singaphuth’ isi’ thembiso
Uma siyek’ umsebenzi Sizw’ ub’ hlungu bokona
Siya mbozwa-mbo ithunzi! Licime ukwethaba
Yek’ injabulo yomsulwa! Ndlela yakh’ imhlophe
Masithath’ iseluleko, Zond’ ok’bi, thand’ okuhle
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For the full Christ in song hymnal visit Christinsong.com
For the SDA Hymnal visit https://sdahymnal.net/
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