187 Yokwehlukana Ingoma Yethu
Msindisi, futhi si hlabelela,
Ingoma yethu yokwehlukana;
Si bheke ukubusiswa nguWe,
Izwi lokuthula ma si phiwe
Size si goduke nokuthula;
Nanxa si vuka, nanxa si lala;
Lind’ im’lomo nenhliziyo zethu,
Nxa se si zophuma kuyo lendlu
Si ph’ukuthula ekuphileni,
U si duduze ekukhaleni,
Lapho o thi kithi, ku phelile!
Nkosi, si bize size si phum’le
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For the full Christ in song hymnal visit Christinsong.com
For the SDA Hymnal visit https://sdahymnal.net/
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