14 Yizwa imali Iwa!
Yizw’ imal’ ithelwa, Lalel’ i yawa;
Ngeka Jesu yonke, Ma iye kuYe
Khence! Khence! Khence! Khence!
Yizwe ithelwa!
Ngeka Jesu yonke, Ma iye kuYe
Khence! Khence njalo; Nank’ umnikelo
KuYo iNdodana; Wezinganyana
Noko si zingane, Si leth’ intwana
Nxase si khulile; Som’ pha kakhulu
Nxa si ngenalutho, Somuph’ uthando;
U yakuthokoza, Emomotheka
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For the SDA Hymnal visit https://sdahymnal.net/
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