66 Suku Oluhle!
Suk’ oluhle! Lokukhetha
iNkosi yam’ noMsindisi;
Kuhle inhliziyo yami:
Ukuyisho leyo ‘ndaba.
Yek’ usuk’ oluhle! A ngi hlamb’ izon’ uJesu;
Wangifundis’ ukulinda;
Ukuhlala ngi thandaza;
Yek’ usuk’ oluhle! A ngi hlamb’ izon’ uJesu.
Ku phelile, ku phelile,
Ngi ngoweNkos’ I ngeyami;
Yangihola mina moni,
Ngathokoza ngi biziwe.
Phumula ‘nhliziyo yami,
Cabanga ngalezi zinto;
U ngalahli usindiso
Ezinhluphekweni zami.
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For the full Christ in song hymnal visit Christinsong.com
For the SDA Hymnal visit https://sdahymnal.net/
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