Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 163 | Ngi Lapha Ngi Thume

Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 163 | Ngi Lapha Ngi Thume
Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 163 | Ngi Lapha Ngi Thume

163 Ngi Lapha Ngi Thume

Yizwa uJesu ebiza
Nguban’ ozosebenza?
Amasimu a vuthiwe
Nguban’ othwal’ iz’thungu?
iNkosi i yamemeza
Nank’ umvuzo wesihle
Uphi ozokusho athi,
Ngi la Nkosi ngi thume?

Um’ u ngewele ulwandle
U y’ekubahedeni
O yobafica eduze
Ba hlalelene nawe
Nob’ u ngesiy’ ingelosi
Nob’ u ngase Paule
Woland’ uthando lweNkosi
Uthi, Yafela bonke

Uma u ngebe uMlindi
Odongeni lweZion
U sho indlela yezulu
Yomusa kubo bonke
Ngom’thandazo nokuphana
Wenz’ intando yeNkosi
U kholeke njengo Aron
Ephasa umprofethi

Nxa im’pefumlo i’ bhubha
iNkosi i kubiza
Yek’ izaba zobuvila
Uthi, ngi ngenze lutho
Yenz’ umsebenzi u vume
U jabulele wona
Ibiza shesh’ u sabele
Ngi lapha Nkosi, ng’thume!

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