277 Kukhanya Yandulela
Kukhanya yandulela emnyameni Hola mina
Ngikude nekhaya ebubini Hola mina
Gcina izinyawo ngingabheki;
Khashana kwenel’ unyawo lwami
Zange nempela-nje ngithandazele Ukukholwa,
Ngithand’ indlela ngizikhethele Ngibe ngedwa,
Ngesaba, ngiyathanda okuhle,
Kohlwa into zobami ubusha
Loku ngibusisiwe ngamandl’ Akho Mangiholwe
Ngedlul’ engcingweni ebamba nko Sekusile,
Kusasa ingelosi zethabe,
Ngengakuthanda sekusilele
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For the full Christ in song hymnal visit Christinsong.com
For the SDA Hymnal visit https://sdahymnal.net/
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