54 Inhliziyo Ehlanziweyo
Into engiyifisayo, Indlela yam’eqondile;
Nezilingo zi yashisa, Ng’hlambulule, ng’hlambulule.
Ngi hlambulule phakathi, Noma ngomlilo ngovuma;Noma ku njani, Angali Isono ma sif’ impela.
Nxa ngi bona ukukhanya, Ngi yathaba emoyeni;
Ngi fun’ inhliziyo entsha Kuhle kimi, kuhle kimi.
Ngi fis’ ukudel’ okubi, Ngi nomthwalo, se ngi file;
Ubuhle kimina buphi? Ngi ngcolile, ngi ngcolile.
Uma kuthe lenhliziyo, Ya thand’ ukukulandela;
Ng’enze ngibe ngophilayo Ngibe ngcwele, ngibe ngcwele.
Uma ubusiswe yile webhusayithi. Sicela ucabangele ukunikela / If you were blessed by this website. Consider donating to keep it running for your next visit and other visitors.
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For the SDA Hymnal visit https://sdahymnal.net/
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