Home Ukrestu esihlabelelweni Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 144 | Emhlabeni Olidundu

Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 144 | Emhlabeni Olidundu

Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 144 | Emhlabeni Olidundu
Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 144 | Emhlabeni Olidundu

144 Emhlabeni Olidundu

Ngi qond’ indlel’ enyukayo Ngi khwela zonk’ izinsuku.
Ngi nguye okhulekayo; Nkosi, ngi mise phezulu.

Nkosi, ngi simamiseke Emhlabeni olidundu,
Endaweni ephakheme Nkosi, ngi mise phezulu.

A ngi thandi ukuhlala Lapho kunenkan’ enkulu.
Kumb’ abanye, ba ngahlala, Mina ngi thanda phezulu.

Ngiph’ inhlalw’ ehlanzekile uSathan’ u yangigwaza;
Kodw’ inkolo yam’ I zwile; Nkosi, Ngi mise phezulu.

Ngi zokhwel’ esiqongweni Ngi bone ukukhazimla;
Ngi finyel’ ezulwini Nkosi, ngi mise phezulu.

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