217 Yebo, Msindisi Wangithanda, Bo’
Yebo, Msindisi wangithanda bo?
Nkosi manginga kuncishi lutho,
Ngothando umoya wami uzothoba,
Ushesh’ ukuthetha into yAkho.
Uyang’ shwelezel’ esihlalweni,
Ngehluleka ngibhek’ ezulwini,
Ngisize Jesu, ngithwale is’phambano,
Bese ngithandazel’ into yAkho
Ngiph’ inhliziyo efana naWe
Kuze ‘nsuku zonke ngibe naWe
Ngiqal’ umusebenzi, ngenz’ isenzo somsa
Ngibuyis’ omunye, into yAkho
Konke enginako isipho nje!
Ngentokozo kungo kw’Akho konke,
Kuth’ uma ngibona Yena ngeneliswe.
Njalo-na-njalo ngiy’ into yAkho
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