243 Vuka, Moya Wami Vuka!
Vuka moya vuka! Thintit’ ukwesala.
Umhlatshel’ ob’hlungu, Uvezelwe mina.
Es’hlalwen’ uJes’ ung’mele;
Es’hlalwen’ uJes’ ung’mele;
Ngilotshiw’ esandlen’ sAkhe.
Uhlel’ ezulwini, Ukunginxusela.
Ngothand’ ol’hlengayo, Negaz’ el’ncengayo.
Igazi lAkhe las’thenga;
Igazi lAkhe las’thenga;
Lifafaz’ is’hlalo somsa.
Mahlan’ amanxeba, Ahlatshw’ eKhalvari.
Ahlal’ ekhuleka, Ayang’ khulumela.
Athi mxolele, mxolele;
Athi mxolele, mxolele;
Angafi ophendukayo.
Uyis’umzw’ encenga Ogcotshiwe wAkhe.
Angefulathele iNdodana yAkhe.
NoMoya uyamuzwela;
NoMoya uyamuzwela;
Uthi, ngizelwe yiNkosi.
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For the full Christ in song hymnal visit Christinsong.com
For the SDA Hymnal visit https://sdahymnal.net/
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