79 Ukubizwa Kwabavuni
Amasimu a lindile, Amhlophe ngamabele;
Ekude si wabonile, Ezigangen’ ezinhle.
Nkosi yokuvuna yizwa, NguWe wedw’ ongasiza;
Ba thume abokuvuna, Li ngakadlul’ ihlobo.
Ba thumele ekuseni Nantambama ba ngemi;
Noma se li shon’ ilanga, Mavavun’ izinyanda.
Wen’ othunywayo iNkosi Vunisis’ amabele;
Bhek’ ezulwin’ isiphelo, Wothol’ umvuz’ omkulu.
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For the SDA Hymnal visit https://sdahymnal.net/
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