286 Thwala Mina
O, ngondele lolosuku! Nxa abahlengwayo
BeseZion ngezimhlophe, Besekhaya labo
O, ngithwale, ngithwale Ngi yeZion;
Ngithwal’ ungise msizini wothando, Emsizin’ wabangcwele
Ngi yozwa o-aleluya, Iz’xulu zibasho
Umphefumlo ujabula, Nabahlengiweyo
Thabani ngalo losuku, Lufiswa sihambi
Lophelisa izinhlungu, Baphumle kuMenzi
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For the full Christ in song hymnal visit Christinsong.com
For the SDA Hymnal visit https://sdahymnal.net/
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