290 Sebenzela uJesu
Thaba! Siya sebenzel’ iNkosi Siya vuma ukuyenzela
Konke ekushoyo Yona kithi; Sizo kwenza ngokuphelele
Jesu ngaWe-ke! Sizoqhubeka, Ngokuthokoza
U sibusise Emsebenzini wAkho
Ngokwenama siyashumayela, Ngothando lwaYo ezizweni
NoJes’ ubukhosi buka; Yise Uzothela izibusiso
Ngothuthoba silandel’ iNkosi; Siyahamba ngokuphelela
Siyabaqondisa abeduki, Kulo iWundlu laY’iNkosi
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For the SDA Hymnal visit https://sdahymnal.net/
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