121 Ngocula Ngothando
Ngocula ngaY’ uJesu Ngothando wangithanda
Washiya lon’ izulu Wafa eKalvari
Ngocula ngaY’ uJesu, Ngi cule ngi mukhethe
Wafa ngi ze ngi phile, Ngocula ngob’eng’thanda
Phambi ko-ba ngi khale uJesu wang’ khalela
Phambi ko-bang’ thandaze uJesu wang’ nxusela
Lunzul’ uthando lwAkhe Umhlaba u ngel’ qonde
Nezono zam’ ezimbi Zenziwe zabamhlophe
Akukho kim’ okuhle, uJesu wangithanda
Jehova ngamukele Ngi size ngi ku thande
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