233 Ngi Tshel’ Indab’ Endala-ndala
Ngi tshel’ indab’ endala Yokwanga phezulu
Ka Jesu nobukhosi Ka Jesu nothando,
Ngi tshel’ indaba kahle Njengasenganeni
Ngokuba ngikhathele Ngi ngongcolileyo
Ngi tshel’ indab’ endala; Ngi tshel’ indab’ endala
Ngi tshel’ indab’ endala, Ka Jesu nothando
Ngi tshel’ indab’ unense Ibe ngaphakathi,
Leyo eyokuhlenga Yelapha isono
Yiphinda-phinde njalo Ngi shesha ngikholwe ,
Njengamazol’ okusa Amuka emini.
Ngi tshel’ indaba leyo Uma wethusiwe;
Inkazimlo yomhlaba Inzima kakhulu.
Laph’ ubuhle bomhlaba Bu qhamuka kimi,
Ngi tshel’ indab’ endala Yempilo ngoJesu.
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