136 Ngi Khumbula iKhalvari
Laph’ esho khona ngokuya Ngi fund’ ukumthemba njalo;
Ngi khumbula ku ngenxa yam’ Ukuze af’ eKhalvari.
uJesu nguMholi wami, Wo ngi hola yonk’ indlela;
Ng’ uMholi wami impela Ngi khumbula eKhalvari.
Ngi thand’ umthetho ka Jesu Ngi holwa yisandla sAkhe;
I mnand’ intando yAkhe kim’ I cwebiswe yi Khalvari.
Ngi ya phambili nges’bindi uKrest’ u seduze kwami;
Ngi themb’ uJesu ngombona, Isihlobo seKhalvari.
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