57 Lowo Ozwayo
Lowo ozwayo maka memeze;
Ivangeli ma li zungeze izwe.
Lapho ku khon’ abantu ku menyezwe,
Othandayo mak’ eze!
Low’ othandayo, makasheshise;
A memezel’ indab’ ezintabeni,
uBab’ uyabiza odukileyo,
Othandayo mak’ eze!
Wena ozayo sheshisa phela;
Umnyango u savuliwe, wongena.
uJesu u thi: “Ngi yiNdlela mina”;
Othandayo mak’ eze
Low’ ovumayo nas’ is’thembiso;
Kuy’ osithandayo se si me njalo.
Si yiMpilo enhle eme phakade;
Othandayo mak’ eze!
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