Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 59 | Jesu Mthandi wo Moya Wami

Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 59 | Jesu Mthandi wo Moya Wami
Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 59 | Jesu Mthandi wo Moya Wami

59 Jesu Mthandi wo Moya Wami

Jes’ othand’ umoya wam’, Ngi vume ngize kuWe;
Nxa izilingo zonke, Noko zi ngi hanqile.
Ma ngi sithele ngaWe; Wena Msindisi wami.
Ekupheleni thata; Nank’ umphefumlo wami.

Jesu, ngi yasintula, Sona isiphephelo.
Uze u ngangishiyi, KuWe ngi yasondela.
O, Msizi wami nguWe, iThemba lami lonke.
Ngembes’ ikhanda lami, Ngazo impiko zakho.

Ngi fisa Wena wedwa, Krestu Msindisi wami;
Mvusi webawileyo, Melaphi weziguli.
NguWe wedwa oNgcwele, Kimi ngokubi konke.
Ngi yenyanyeka mina, Wen’ u gcwele okuhle.

Ngi bona um’sa kuWe, Wokhungihlambulula.
Ngenziwe ngaphakathi, Ngi hlale ngi cwebile.
Mthombo wokuphila kwam’, Ngi nathise ngesihle.
Hlal’ enhliziyweni yam’ Kuze kube phakade.

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