Home Ukrestu esihlabelelweni Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 288 | Into YoKupha uJesu

Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 288 | Into YoKupha uJesu

Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 288 | Into YoKupha uJesu
Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 288 | Into YoKupha uJesu

288 Into YoKupha uJesu

Baleth’ iz’ pho kuJesu, Zabekw’ enyaweni
Ukuthand’ uMsindisi, kwabenza bamuphe
Ngomusa nangamazwi, Nokusiz’ abanye
Konke uyakubala, Kube kuhle kuYe

Ulethile kuJesu, Isipho esihle
Wathi, Nans’ inhliziyo! Wayibek’ ezinyaweni

Kwaku khon’ isihambi, Esasiqaphele
Iziph’ ezakhishwayo, Zabalwa zabanhle
Sasifisa kakhulu, Ukuleth’ isipho
Kodwa sema eduze, Singena lutho nje

Sakhala sathi, Nkosi, ngiyazi unomsa
Thabatha lonk’ okwami, Nenhliziyo embi
U Jesu waphendula, Wath’ Isipho sakho
Sihle kunazo zonke, Ezalethwa kiMi

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