123 Ibizo Elingcwele
Ibiz’ elithandekayo Ngoba li dlul’ amanye
Lanikezwa nguY’ uBaba eNdodaneni yAkhe.
Lona li yiNgcwele, Li yiNgcwele, Ngcwele
Lavela kuBaba, leza lapha
Leza ngengelosi, Lona ebusuku
Ibizo leNkos’ uJesu.
Li letha okuhle kimi Yiloba ‘ngoma yami;
Ngi vuma ibizo lAkhe Ngize ngi libabaze.
Ngi hlokomisa indaba Yothando nokuhlengwa,
Lona ngizolidumisa Ibizo lika Jesu.
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