160 Gcinelwe uJesu
O, ngi gcinelw’ uJesu!,
Ng’phase ngamandl’ Akhe
Akukho bubi bezwe
Nxa ng’landel’ uJesu
O, ‘ngi gcinelw’ uJesu!, Nkosi ngi yaguqa
A ng’fisi, lutho! lutho! lutho!
Wen, u yiko Konke
O, ngi gcinelw’ uJesu!,
Ng’enze akushoyo
YeNkosi inhliziyo
I thabe kakhulu
O, ngi gcinelw’ uJesu!,
Ngomoya ng’thobeke
Ngehlukane nelizwe
Ngi mnene ngobuntu
O, ngi gcinelw’ uJesu!,
Ngi ngowAkh’ impela
Ngi be ngowAkhe njalo
Yen’ uJesu wethu
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