78 Cingani Abalahlekileyo
Cingani abalahlekileyo,
Ba nxuseni ngowaYo umsa;
Ba phen’ amazwi aphilisayo,
Athi; Wozani kimi namhla.
Hambani le! E… zintabeni zonke…
Nibalethe… a… badukile bonke…m Emhlambi…
ni wo… Mhlengi, Mhlengi wami… m
Jesu li Wu…mndlu Wundlu lezoni
Cingani abalahlekileyo,
Ba qhubeleni kuY’ uJesu,
Ba donseni ngendlel’ ebuyayo,
Yona eya k’uNkulunkulu.
Lok’ uJesu u se ngi bizile,
Ngi zolandela ‘mihla yonke;
Ngi qaphel’ ofayo, nay’ owile,
Ba qondiswe k’uJesu bonke.
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