134 Uthando Olumangalisayo Luka Jesu
Endaweni ephakeme, Umoya wami wobonga
Nguban’ ongasho kwenele; Ngalo uthando luka Jesu?
Loluthando, luyinqaba, Lona oluka Jesu;
Luyamangalisa, lona, Uthando luka Jesu.
Lunokuthul’ ebusuku, Nokukhany’ ebumnyameni.
Lungumuthi kubuhlungu, Lona uthando luka Jesu.
Yithemba lentethelelo, Luyinsika nxa ngi wayo;
Nxa ngi fa noma ngi phila Yilo uthando luka Jesu.
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