Home Ukrestu esihlabelelweni Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 116 | Akukho Lutho Luka Jesu

Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 116 | Akukho Lutho Luka Jesu

Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 116 | Akukho Lutho Luka Jesu
Ukrestu esihlabelelweni 116 | Akukho Lutho Luka Jesu

116 Akukho Lutho Luka Jesu

U gcwele inhlupheko, Kanandawo uJesu?
U thunjiwe ng’umhlaba Kanandawo uJesu?
Nangu u mi emnyango Yiloku unqonqotha!
Yizwa u yakuncenga U nendaw’ uJesu na?

U cita isikhathi, Wenzela uJesu na?
U yaqeda amandla, Wenzela uJesu na?
Awuling’ukunqoba, Nokusindis’ abantu;
Nokubuyis’ umduki Kambe wenzel’ uJesu?

U fun’ imfuyo yezve K’unathuba ngoJesu?
U zihlalele kahle K’unathuba ngoJesu?
U zama ukuhlala Nobucebi bomhlaba,
U thokoza ngeze nje A wunak’ uJesu na?

U thwele amahlamvu Ka naz’thelo ngoJesu?
Cha, nas’thung’ esandleni K’unas’thelo ngoJesu?
Wena u nako konke Kwokwenelis’ uJesu;
Kepha wojabha nako Msuku efik’ uJesu?

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